Our daily lives as women religious are marked by a regular rhythm of prayer.
Based on the Augustinian tradition of religious life in the Church, our spirituality includes a special love for Sacred Scripture, unity and harmony in community and ongoing conversion of life. Each Sister spends time with her Divine Spouse each morning in meditation on Sacred Scripture in the tradition of Lectio Divina.
The Eucharist is central to our life. Daily she participates in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and has the privilege of adoring the Lord in a Eucharistic Holy Hour.
We chant the Liturgy of the Hours in common. Daily recitation of the Rosary deepens our devotion to Mary while daily spiritual reading and weekly study of Sacred Scripture urge us toward continuous formation in virtue. In addition we embrace community practices of silence and self-denial to strengthen our union with Christ.
A monthly Day of Recollection as well as an annual silent retreat made in community provide special times for deepening our own intimate relationship with Christ.